袋めん「サッポロ一番 みそラーメン」のおいしさをカップめんで再現しました。 表… |
うずめちゃん うちわ
うずめちゃんグッズに『うちわ』が登場☆ 今からの季節に抜群! 裏面は高千穂町名所、高千穂峡の〈真名井の滝〉 うずめちゃんうちわで涼みながら花火を見るのも味がでるのでは♪|すずまい |
wave (card)
wave - Going to the beach ... - -------------------------------------------------------- Express … |
tree (card)
tree - Feeling peaceful night that makes free from the sorrows - --------------------------------… |
car (card)
car - Driving a car ... - -------------------------------------------------------- Express high a… |
hands (card)
hands - My hands are yellow. What color are your hands? - ---------------------------------------… |
moon and path (card)
moon and path - The narrow path with the moonlight - --------------------------------------------… |
bowl (card)
bowl - Delicious meal with someone - -------------------------------------------------------- Exp… |
paper and pencil (card)
paper and pencil - Something drow and write with a pencil and some piece of paper - -------------… |
stars (card)
stars - But I am going out with small light and lunch box - -------------------------------------… |
fragrant olive (card)
fragrant olive - Please of someone - -------------------------------------------------------- Exp… |
rain (card)
rain - To meet someone who understand and sharing - ---------------------------------------------… |
balloonflower (card)
balloonflower - I like little flowers. What kind of flowers do you like? - ----------------------… |
bird (card)
bird - Faint voice bottom of heart - -------------------------------------------------------- Exp… |